Babigloo is a non-verbal approach to music making for babies aged 0 to 12 months and their parents / carers.  The Babigloo musicians create a multi-sensory environment which encourages listening, communication and playfulness between babies and their parents / carers using live and recorded music, sound, movement, gesture, visual and tactile materials, babies’ vocalisations and non-verbal communication.   Babigloo music making sessions last around 45 minutes, balancing structured activities which build on babies’ sensory perceptions, with spontaneous vocal and non-verbal interaction with the babies.

The Babigloo musicians (Jenny Gordon, Michele O’Brien and Colin Phillimore) trained with Professor Paulo Lameiro in non-verbal approaches to music making with babies, drawing on the music learning theories of Professor Edwin E. Gordon.

In 2018 to 2019, the Arts Development Company worked with Babigloo to co-ordinate a year-long project for families in Poole Children’s Centres (led by Borough of Poole) and East Dorset Children’s Centres (led by Action for Children).  The project, funded by Youth Music and Poole Arts Service, was structured in 3 phases across the year, offering 9 x weekly sessions for families in 6 different locations in Poole and Dorset.  A total of 61 families took part over the year (62 babies and 68 adults) and professional development or practice sharing opportunities involved 47 people (including musicians, music educators, local authority elected members, and early years and children’s services professionals).

I designed an evaluation framework which complemented evaluation reporting by the children’s centres and created an evaluation report and case studies of families.

Download the evaluation report

Download a family case study

Examples of Projects

What Are We Learning graphic

What Are We Learning?

What Are We Learning? was a research project commissioned by Wiltshire Music Connect to capture what the music education sector in Wiltshire were learning from the move to online musical tuition during the coronavirus lockdown in spring and summer 2020.  I was the lead researcher with a team of 8 co-researchers (all Associates of Wiltshire […]


Babigloo Music for Babies

Babigloo is a non-verbal approach to music making for babies aged 0 to 12 months and their parents / carers.  The Babigloo musicians create a multi-sensory environment which encourages listening, communication and playfulness between babies and their parents / carers using live and recorded music, sound, movement, gesture, visual and tactile materials, babies’ vocalisations and […]


Celebrating Age Wiltshire

Celebrating Age Wiltshire 2017 to 2020 was a partnership project to increase access and inclusion to arts events for older people (funded by Arts Council England and the Baring Foundation’s Celebrating Age Programme).  I was contracted in the final year of the 3-year project to undertake an evaluation and help develop a case for further […]

Photo of artwork in gallery

Alternative Visions

Alternative Visions was a project to tour a visual art exhibition, made by artists facing barriers to the art world, to 4 venues in the South West of England – Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Falmouth Art Gallery, The Wilson in Cheltenham and Poole Museum.  Arts and Health South West and Outside In were also […]


Circus City 2017

Bristol Circus City is a biennial festival which introduces new audiences to contemporary circus, promotes circus as an inspirational and diverse artform, and raises the profile of Bristol as a leading city in the UK to watch, create and participate in contemporary circus.


Fabric of Life

Fabric of Life was a heritage project led by Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership which aimed to explore LGBT and gender identity, through the lens of fashion and textiles.


Take Note

A commission from Wiltshire Music Connect Music Education Hub to undertake a Youth Voice consultation with children and young people across the county.


Libraries West Touring Programme

Travelling Light Theatre Company toured to libraries across the West of England, with the aim of increasing library engagement by Year 6 children and increasing access to high-quality theatre for young audiences.


Sound Splash Case Studies

Sound Splash was Bristol Plays Music’s Musical Inclusion module, funded by Youth Music between 2012 and 2015. After writing an interim evaluation report for Sound Splash, I was commissioned to research and write a series of Case Studies which were a key aspect of sharing the project’s learning across the music education sector.


Trowbridge Song Project

The Trowbridge Song Project was a 2 year oral history and song project, led by Sounding It Out Community Choir and funded by ACE Grants for the Arts, which aimed to collect songs and stories from people who had migrated to Trowbridge.


Early Years Music Mapping and Consultation

The Early Years Music Mapping and Consultation was commissioned by Wiltshire Music Connect, to help them consider what the role of the Hub could be in supporting early years music, and that any action or strategy was responsive to local needs.